Manufactured Home Buying Tips

Manufactured home designs range from the bare basics to top-of-the-line luxury so you can easily find a home that meets your needs and price range. With the right research and knowledge, you can find the best home at the best price, and walk away from the experience with a smile.

The United States Census Bureau calculated the average price per square foot for a manufactured home in to be $41.97.

Compare that to the $86.30 per square foot for a traditional site-built home and you’ll see why the homes are such a great choice.

Buying a manufactured home is  fairly simple, and somewhat similar, to buying a stick-built home. One major difference is the fact that you will be going to a dealer instead of a real estate agent.


While looking at homes you will find many options and styles available, know the features you consider most important. Do you need three bedrooms or can you go with two? Will you need the gourmet kitchen upgrade?

The home you ultimately choose should meet most of the features you listed before you visited the first home.


Researching manufactured home floor plans and features online can help you narrow down the homes to a manageable list. Certain features and upgrades can increase the life span of the home and help with resale value such as:

Shingled roofing


Pitched roof

2×6 Framing on 16″ centers

Exterior sheathing

Vinyl siding

Shutoff valves at all water sources

Real wood flooring, as opposed to particle board

Once you have chosen the home, you will need to decide on the transporters, installers, and finishing carpenters. Dealerships will often have one company they use but you should research those companies just as you would any contractor.

Buying a manufactured home is an exciting time for anyone and there are a lot of things you will have to consider. Knowing how the process works and what to expect during the sale can help you make the best buying decision.

Contact the experts at USModular, Inc.  We will guide you in selecting the manufactured home you have been dreaming about!

Kitchen Ideas

Interior Ideas

Bathroom Ideas

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